Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

37 weeks and things are swell!

37 weeks.......20 days until my due date.....

I think it is time for this baby to make an appearance!!

I am definitely getting large and in charge.  My arms and legs are pretty swollen by the end of each day.  In this picture you can see that even my calves are swollen.....I had been sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen and my leg must have been pressed up against it.  I feel like my face is swollen too, hence the tummy only picture above.  I keep reminding myself that it's only a couple more weeks and it will be so worth it!  I've been trying to swim more at the gym instead of walk to help alleviate the swelling. 

Brian and I at a Halloween party this past weekend....it was a lot of fun and my costume was super easy to make!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

36 weeks

Friday night the girls at work threw me my first baby shower.  It was so fun!! 

Everyone had to write down their hopes for Baby R and they gave me a binder to collect them in.  So cute!!  I also had to match everyone up with their baby picture.  I did horrible!!

I got showered with some pretty sweet gifts.  Lots of blankets, cute clothes, a nap nanny, a baby monitor, diaper genie.....and lots more!!

Mom helped me load everything up and bring it home to unpack.   Then another surprise!  Dad dropped off a dresser they bought Baby R for Christmas!  

I started loading it up right away!  The nursery is getting pretty full and I loved unpacking all the goodies!  I love looking at all the tiny little clothes....I hope the baby isn't too big when it arrives and can fit into the tiny little onesies that are sooo cute! 

28 days left until my due date....the countdown is on!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

35 weeks

35 weeks.....crazy!!  Here are some belly pictures. 

I can tell I am getting bigger because most of my t-shirts now officially don't cover my belly.  I've been weighing myself every morning and this week I have to lean forward to be able to read the number that flashes up on the scale.  (even though most days I regret looking!)  Only a few more weeks of gaining weight and then I can start the downhill slide.  I'm very excited for that.  This morning in church was one of my most uncomfortable pregnant moments ever....I just couldn't get comfortable sitting there and I couldn't catch my breath.  I think I am running out of space in my body cavity for things to squish around!

Projects around the house are slowing down.  Brian finished the shelf in the garage, and we passed our final inspection! 

I bought a changing pad and cover for the top of my old wicker basket dresser and it fits perfectly on top!  Brian screwed the pad into the dresser because "His baby isn't falling off a changing table" 

We also went furniture shopping.  We bought furniture for the upstairs!!  It will be here in 4-6 weeks so hopefully closer to the 4 week mark!  For the upstairs living room we bought an overstuffed chair with an ottoman and a loveseat.  Here is a link to the loveseat, we changed the color to a chocolate brown.  the chair itself is 60 inches wide and Brian and I can sit comfortably side by side in it.  The loveseat is actually more the size of a couch, but they still call it a loveseat.

We also bought an ottoman for Brian for the basement. He loves it! 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Weeks 33 and 34

Week 33 of Baby R's life

And here is week 34
Good thing for shirts made of stretchy material!!  I am starting to run out of clothes that I can wear to work and am getting sick of the ones I can wear.  Hopefully I only have 25 work days left (or less!) so hopefully I can make my wardrobe last that long!

This is one of my favorite pictures ever.  Brian reading "What Makes A Rainbow" getting some practice in for when the baby arrives!  He is sitting in the glider that Grandma Elaine bought for us and it is wonderful!!  The nursery is coming together very nicely, I can't wait to do some pinterest projects that are gender specific when I am on maternity leave! 

THE BASEMENT IS OFFICIALLY DONE!! (pending inspection)  :)

Here are some pictures of the finished bathroom.  Brian plumbed in the sink all by himself and did an awesome job!