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Sunday, October 14, 2012

35 weeks

35 weeks.....crazy!!  Here are some belly pictures. 

I can tell I am getting bigger because most of my t-shirts now officially don't cover my belly.  I've been weighing myself every morning and this week I have to lean forward to be able to read the number that flashes up on the scale.  (even though most days I regret looking!)  Only a few more weeks of gaining weight and then I can start the downhill slide.  I'm very excited for that.  This morning in church was one of my most uncomfortable pregnant moments ever....I just couldn't get comfortable sitting there and I couldn't catch my breath.  I think I am running out of space in my body cavity for things to squish around!

Projects around the house are slowing down.  Brian finished the shelf in the garage, and we passed our final inspection! 

I bought a changing pad and cover for the top of my old wicker basket dresser and it fits perfectly on top!  Brian screwed the pad into the dresser because "His baby isn't falling off a changing table" 

We also went furniture shopping.  We bought furniture for the upstairs!!  It will be here in 4-6 weeks so hopefully closer to the 4 week mark!  For the upstairs living room we bought an overstuffed chair with an ottoman and a loveseat.  Here is a link to the loveseat, we changed the color to a chocolate brown.  the chair itself is 60 inches wide and Brian and I can sit comfortably side by side in it.  The loveseat is actually more the size of a couch, but they still call it a loveseat.

We also bought an ottoman for Brian for the basement. He loves it! 


  1. good job on the furniture shopping! Guess the baby can come any time now!! You two can sit back , relax and wait! Love ya

  2. How did Brian screw the changing pad down? Can't wait to change an itty bitty baby diaper on that thing!

  3. looking good mama!
