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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

37 weeks and things are swell!

37 weeks.......20 days until my due date.....

I think it is time for this baby to make an appearance!!

I am definitely getting large and in charge.  My arms and legs are pretty swollen by the end of each day.  In this picture you can see that even my calves are swollen.....I had been sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen and my leg must have been pressed up against it.  I feel like my face is swollen too, hence the tummy only picture above.  I keep reminding myself that it's only a couple more weeks and it will be so worth it!  I've been trying to swim more at the gym instead of walk to help alleviate the swelling. 

Brian and I at a Halloween party this past weekend....it was a lot of fun and my costume was super easy to make!!


  1. Laura you look very beautiful pregnant! 20 days or less (maybe) will go by very fast!

  2. Should we be calling you sister pins with your swollen ankles and feet?
