Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 17, 2012

Life with Baby Sydney---one month!!

Life this past month has been so good!  Sydney is getting more and more active every day and more and more fun!  And this mom is starting to catch up on sleep so life is really good!!

Here is what has been going on the past couple weeks:

 Hanging out at Grandma Vickie's while mom did some Christmas baking...She got lots of snuggles and I got a nap in too!  What a great day!!
 Her first attempt at a bottle was a success!!  She slurps bottles down so fast that we have to take it away so she can breathe....we definitely don't have a problem with this girl eating!!
 Aunt Karen and cousin Haley came for a surprise visit!!  We had so much fun with them!!  We only wish they could have stayed longer.
 Showing Aunt Karen how good she is at tummy time...she loves it!!
 At Sydney's baby shower....she was blessed with lots of amazing gifts!  What a lucky baby!
 The best sisters/aunts two girls could ask for....THANK YOU for the amazing shower!!  We love you guys!!
 Sydney with Grandma Vickie and the beautiful diaper golf bag at Aunt Angie's house.
 With her daddy in her golf t-shirt....could he be any more proud?!  She better hope she likes life on the golf course!!
 I love my bath time!  As long as the water is warm and I am warm too I could stay in here all day! 
 Daddy is good at giving baths! 
I love my activity mat....I can already reach some of the rings!  I haven't grabbed hold of any yet though!

Sleeping in her new swing!

We went to the dr this morning.  Sydney is 9lbs 8 oz (60th percentile) and 20 3/4 inches (30th percentile).  Everything else looked really good!!  She is a thriving baby.  Next month we go back for shots :(


  1. She has a nice little belly going already. Can't believe its already been a month.

  2. I agree with Stephen, this month has gone by so fast! I could spend every day with her and it wouldn't be enough! Love you all so much! Sydney, you are growing up way too fast!

  3. She is growing so fast! Love to see the pictures of her though...keep 'em coming! I can't believe it's been a month already. I'm happy she is such a good baby for you!

  4. Your blog is already outdated...she CAN grab the rings!! I love the picture of her in the tub. So sweet!
