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Monday, December 3, 2012

Baby R is here!!

On November 17, 2012 at 9:10 PM our lives were changed forever....Sydney Olivia Reimer entered this world with hardly a cry and melted her mom and dad's hearts immediately!! 

She weighed 7 pounds 8 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. 

Since Sydney has arrived we have pretty much just been trying to figure her out!!  Brian took a week off of work and we had lots of family and friends offer a hand also!  Here are some pictures of Sydney at home.

She has been nothing but loved and snuggled to pieces since she has arrived and I wouldn't change a thing!  She is our greatest blessing from God and makes me smile every day.  Brian and I still can't believe how beautiful and precious she is!! 


  1. My favorite picture is of you and Sydney right after delivery. I think she is looking right at your eyes and thinking, "Wow, Mom you are beautiful!" Love you very much!

  2. Love looking at these pictures! We miss Sydney so much!
