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Monday, July 14, 2014

Here we go...round 2!

Well, here we go again.  Baby Reimer # 2 is set to arrive January 14, 2015 and is looking to be the exact opposite of his or her older sister.  Everything about this time is different, from the way it was planned to the way I have been feeling.  But, I am 34% done with #2 and so if the rest of the pregnancy goes this fast the baby will be here in a blink! 

This is what I stared at for about 5 minutes before realizing it was actually true! 
Breaking the news to Sydney...
What mom?!  I thought I was going to be your one and only! 
Watching her with her babies gives me hope that she will be a great big sister.  She loves to give bottles and wrap them in blankies.
More practice.  The other day we put her baby in her crib and spent every 30 seconds going in her room to either "wake her baby up" or "put her baby nigh night"
I still can't believe that this is going to happen! 

This is me at 13 weeks, 5 days.  Starting to show some progress, I can still button most of my pants, but after mealtime I feel a lot better if I unbotton and hang out! 


  1. Woo-hoo!! Sydney will be a good big sister! Lookin good!!

  2. Sydney is already such a little mommy ~ she will be very helpful!

  3. HI, Love looking at all your pictures . they are great !! Sydney looks so grown up, Love Grandma Bert !!
