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Monday, July 21, 2014

Summer Fun

Summer is the best time of the year!  Sometimes since it is so light out at night at bedtime, Sydney is hard to get up in the mornings.  So she'll hang in our bed if she feels the need. 

I think the most popular word in our house these days is "popicle"  She will stand in front of the freezer door and cry until she gets one.  Normally, Brian and I will eat one with her so she doesn't have to enjoy it alone. 

Sydney is a total beach baby!  She loves the water, the sand and wearing her sunglasses!  She is a good summer girl! 

She is also a good worker...LOVES to "wash" the cars. 

More swimming....just can't get enough!  one thing we did notice is that she doesn't really appreciate the baby pool at our house too much.  She needs to explore the deep end I guess! 

Enjoying the Children's museum in brookings with her cousins.  They all had a fun day and were wiped out on the drive home! 

Beach baby.  4th of July weekend this is where you could find Sydney.  digging a hold in the sand! 

I made her take a nap.  I got on the boat and told Brian to start driving.  I kind of had to hold her down so that she would fall asleep, but she took a good 45 minute nap this way.  I was so hot!  It was 95 degrees and she was so heavy!

Sydney isn't the only one in our family who likes to play in the water!

She loves to admire my flowers.  sometimes she will try and pull them, or pull the petals off but that doesn't bother me because she is so cute!

At the Brookings Arts Festival with Grandma, got a rainbow painted on her arm and was so proud of it!

This past weekend the 3 of us took the boat out on Wall Lake so Brian could teach me how to drive it.  I can drive the boat, I just don't like to go very fast.  Baby steps!  We did pull up to the beach so Sydney could play for a while. 

Brian teaching her how to swim.  She has a big smile on her face!

Not so sure about the back float. 


  1. Looks like you are going to have a good little swimmer there!

  2. you will have to get a bigger pool for the back yard! We did have fun in Brookings ~ both times!
