Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Week 29

Week 29 with baby #2.  Brian was pretty much sleeping when he took this pic so that is why it is so blurry. 

Sydney loves the "nursery".  I think she thinks it is a playroom for her dolls.  Here she is reading her buffalo "buppalo" book to her baby.  She LOVES this book.  It is the last thing she says at night and the first thing she asks for in the morning.  it is a very stupid book, so Brian and I are over it already!!  last night Sydney fell out of bed at 4AM and when I was helping her get back in she asked if the buppalo was nigh night.  seriously child, just go back to sleep! 

The nursery is ready to go for baby #2!!  Just need to stock up on diapers and wipes and we will be set! 

Sydney likes to play with the baby toys.  Here she is picking one out for her baby. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Weekend in Chamberlain

We spent this past weekend in Chamberlain with Brian's parents.  Brian did some hunting and Sydney had some quality time with Grandma! 

Decorating a 'punkin' just her size with markers.

Sydney LOVES markers!

We also took her over to the neighbors to ride horse.  Not quite sure at first.

I'm awfully high off the ground dad!

I'm scared!  She wanted down but we decided to ride it out for a bit. 

After a bit she was giggling on the horse.  Still wouldn't talk though!

We let her sit on this horse all by herself.  She did so good! 

Brian would ask her if she was all done or if she wanted more and she said more every time!  She liked it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

27 weeks

Here is Sydney at one month shy of 2 years old!  She is full of energy and opinions!  She will definitely let you know when something isn't the way she wants it to be.  Gotta love her! 

27 weeks. 

Here is Sydney laying down for a nap in her big girl bed.  The first couple naps were a total success, she never got up out of bed and slept great.  This time she got up probably 6 times and would come running down the hallway out of her room!  After making her cry it out a little bit she fell asleep and stayed in bed.  we might be in for some long nights when we transition her down there permanantly.  She still loves being in her room though! 

This was Sydney and I Friday night (actually, Saturday morning) around 2AM.  Sydney couldn't stop coughing and therefore we were both awake all night.  We were having a popsicle break to try and get her to stop coughing (it didn't work).  The next day Sydney appeared to be fine, just tired and still coughing.  I on the other hand felt like I got ran over by a train.  It felt like I had gotten the flu sometime between 2AM and 8AM, and my lower back hurt SO BAD.  I think it was because I cuddled/held her most of the night.  I called Brian and told him to come home from Vermillion ASAP.  (DDay football game).  Brian came home and took care of Sydney and I took care of myself with a heating pad and some icy hot.  Saturday night we both slept 12 hours straight...it was amazing.  Hopefully we never have another night like that again...I think it was close to if not the worst experience of my parenting career this far. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Pumpkin Patch

The Hy-Vee that we shop at has a pumpkin patch in their parking lot.  Since Sydney has recently shown an obsession with pumpkins, we decided to take her there last night after work.  She came home with 6 pumpkins! 

How tall this fall?  when she put her back up to the board she was over 2.5 feet! 

She thought it was very funny to stick her face through the pumpkin cut out.  What a ham! 

Everything was "look mom!  a punkin!"  When we would ask her which one she wanted to take home, she would look around, run to one and point "Dis one mama!"

So happy to be surrounded by pumpkins. 

One more time of poking her face through the cut outs.  This was a very good alternative to going to the apple orchard where there are mass amounts of people.  And she'll never know any different!  Now we just need to find time to carve our pumpkins!! 

26 weeks

Here we are at 26 weeks!  I feel like after October is over this pregnancy will basically be over too.  We have a lot of fun things to look forward to this fall that will help pass the time:  Missy's wedding, hunting, Garth Brooks concert in Minneapolis, Sydney's birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and then baby! 
I'm starting to feel more and more like this baby is a boy.  I'm thinking we will be very surprised if it comes out a girl!  I told Brian that I crave all man foods (burritos, chips, sausage) and that by the end of the day I feel very stinky like a teenage boy.  I said there has got to be a boy in there making all this happen to me! 

Friday, October 3, 2014

25 weeks

Here is the 25 week picture.  bigger every week! 

Here is our little firecracker.  She loves watching her movie, which she pronounces "mya mya" (my movie).  it is the stupidest movie Brian and I have ever seen and she LOVES it.  so we only let her watch it every once in a while but when she gets to watch it she is so happy!  She dances around and sits in her chair and always needs a blanket to snuggle with when she watches it! 

Here is Sydney at breakfast this morning.  She is getting so big that she can sit at the island and eat meals now.  She loves banana muffins and will eat as many as we will let her.  We are also discovering that she just doesn't really enjoy drinking milk, not even chocolate milk.  I don't blame her!  I was hoping she would drink milk that Brian and not me but it's not looking that way.  So I let her have OJ in the mornings because I wouldn't want yucky milk with my muffin either!