Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, October 3, 2014

25 weeks

Here is the 25 week picture.  bigger every week! 

Here is our little firecracker.  She loves watching her movie, which she pronounces "mya mya" (my movie).  it is the stupidest movie Brian and I have ever seen and she LOVES it.  so we only let her watch it every once in a while but when she gets to watch it she is so happy!  She dances around and sits in her chair and always needs a blanket to snuggle with when she watches it! 

Here is Sydney at breakfast this morning.  She is getting so big that she can sit at the island and eat meals now.  She loves banana muffins and will eat as many as we will let her.  We are also discovering that she just doesn't really enjoy drinking milk, not even chocolate milk.  I don't blame her!  I was hoping she would drink milk that Brian and not me but it's not looking that way.  So I let her have OJ in the mornings because I wouldn't want yucky milk with my muffin either!


  1. Looking good Laura! You only have about 3 months left of being pregnant!! This is going fast!
