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Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Pumpkin Patch

The Hy-Vee that we shop at has a pumpkin patch in their parking lot.  Since Sydney has recently shown an obsession with pumpkins, we decided to take her there last night after work.  She came home with 6 pumpkins! 

How tall this fall?  when she put her back up to the board she was over 2.5 feet! 

She thought it was very funny to stick her face through the pumpkin cut out.  What a ham! 

Everything was "look mom!  a punkin!"  When we would ask her which one she wanted to take home, she would look around, run to one and point "Dis one mama!"

So happy to be surrounded by pumpkins. 

One more time of poking her face through the cut outs.  This was a very good alternative to going to the apple orchard where there are mass amounts of people.  And she'll never know any different!  Now we just need to find time to carve our pumpkins!!