Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Crazy kids

These crazy Reimer kids!  Here are some shenanigans that have been happening at our house lately:  

Crackers with frosting in them for dessert.  Of course only the frosting is eaten!  A crowd favorite for everyone except Brian, who will never understand the deliciousness. 
Keegan and the Hyvee horse.  We thought he would like it.  
He wasn't too sure about it.  
Can I be done now mom? 
Actually, I hate this thing!  Get me off!  

Last night I was cooking supper and I heard Keegan fuss a little.  He had sat down in a pot and couldn't get out!  
And then a few minutes later he got stuck in the laundry basket!  Will he ever learn?! 
After squirming around a bit he got free.  

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thanksgiving weekend

Thanksgiving weekend was a lot of fun!  We started out by visiting Brian's friends that had twins, then we dropped the kids off at grandma and grandpa's house and Brian and I went to dinner and a movie!  The next morning we even got to hit the gym!  It was amazing!  Then we headed out to the farm for some amazing food!  
Keegan thoroughly enjoyed his turkey day meal.  He cleared his tray and then some!  He even saved room for cheesecake! 
Sydney also enjoyed thanksgiving! She mostly enjoyed playing with her cousins. 
Keegan was so excited to wake up on Black Friday!  This is how excited he gets every morning when someone goes to get him out of his crib.  So cute! 

Playing toys, he is so good at playing by himself! 
Playing with Sydney's Barbie car.  How he knew to push it along the floor is beyond me! 

Sydney loves to go outside and play in the snow while Brian scoops.  She basically just runs around and squeals. 
We tried a new formula with Keegan and within an hour he puked 4 times.  So we threw that away and he got a bath!  What a stud! 

Keegan was struggling watching his dad and sister have so much fun in the snow while he was stuck inside with his boring mom! 
Saturday morning...he just couldn't wait any longer to start decorating for Christmas! 
Gotta get fueled up first!  Sydney made us French toast for breakfast. 
We are starting to brush Keegan's teeth now.  He is working on tooth #4 now! 

Sydney does not like it when I brush her hair.  This is her crying and glaring at me! 
This is the only picture I got of us decorating.  Once we got all the decor out, we had to be in full alert for things going in Keegan's mouth or Sydney breaking them! 
The end result!  A beautiful tree with two beautiful little elves. 

I had to share this picture of Sydney snuggling her baby while watching a movie.  Lately she is such a little mommy to that baby! 
Sunday we were cooped up and stuck of being inside all weekend.  So we bundled up and went for a walk! Keegan couldn't really move but I think they still
Enjoyed it! 
We have window clings on the patio door. Keegan LOVES them.  He likes to rip them apart and put them in his mouth.  Still too young! 
This is Sydney guarding Keegan from the window clings. Maybe next year buddy! 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


We celebrated Sydney's birthday at Red Lobster.  The girl loves shrimp!  Needless to say, she woke up in the middle of the night with a tummy ache "because I ate too much supper mommy"  she LOVES being 3!!! 

The kids with Brian and the buck he shot last weekend.  Keegan was very interested! 
Sydney is fascinated with this crazy sand.  Pretty much every night after super she begs to play with it! 
Keegan being a typical boy at supper time.  He is learning sign language for "all done" and "more".  He will play patty cake and also will oblige randomly at "so big"! 
We went and visited the Oberle twins before Thanksgiving.  Sydney was interested inThe babies at first and then quickly lost interest.  Keegan wanted to poke their faces all the time so he had to be diverted away right away!  
Which meant I got to snuggle both babies to myself for over an hour!!  So precious!  Hard to believe my babies were that small not that long ago too.  
Group shot of all the kiddos!  Easier said than done!!! 

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Oops!  Turns out, I blinked and now it is almost Christmas.  Slow down time!  I nearby solemnly vow to make a more solid effort of updating this blog.  It should be easier now that I have two children sleeping through the night and eating table food (bye bye breast pump and hello freedom!!) So here are some pictures that I have taken in the last 5 months of our lives that I don't think we have shared with everyone.  

We pretty much spent our entire summer at the park down the street from our house.  Every night after work we would load up either the burley (which doubles as a double stroller) or both of the strollers and make the trek 2 blocks down the street and swing and slide to our hearts content.  

These two are really starting to appreciate each other.  Every night before they go to bed they give each other hugs and kisses.  It's super cute and makes me happy and proud to be their mama ;)

Our neighbors also have a swing set in their backyard.  On the nights that Brian would go golfing I would take the easy way out and just bring the kids to "Marco's park" (Marcus is the neighbor boy/Sydney's BFF).  Keegan would either love the swing or fall asleep in it.

Seems like these kids are probably up to no good right?  one of them probably pooped their pants :)

Our summer weekends consisted of this.  We took the boat either to Lake Vermillion or Lake Brandt and would just float.  Brian and I are both super excited for next summer when both of the kids will be more boater friendly.  Sydney is gearing up to do water sports next year, we are already talking to her about it so she will be comfortable doing it when the time comes!

A couple times this summer I took the kids to a big park at one of the Sioux Falls schools.  These kids just can't get enough!!

Sydney got her first pedicure this summer.  She and grandma Vickie had a nice conversation while getting their toes done.  She is officially addicted now.  Not only does she bring lotion to Brian almost every night and ask for a foot rub, but she told me the other day that she wanted to go back to the salon so "that guy" could cut her toenails.  I don't regret introducing this to her, now I have someone to encourage me to get more pedicures!!

Probably on our way to the park :)  right at the end of summer Keegan got big enough to ride in the wagon (at a slow pace).  He loved it!

This kid LOVES the bath.  I LOVE his butt.

Keegan is not a very clean eater.  But man, does he love food.  He officially eats just as much and sometimes more than his older sister.  He is definitely a boy!

I purposely park at the entrance at Hy-Vee that doesn't have these stupid carts.  One day, this cart was abandoned (probably by a smart mother) right inside the entrance.  Pushing this thing around the store was like trying to drive a semi.  I'm pretty sure I ran into at least 4 other carts in the store that day.  But Keegan was steering that wheel so hard and had a great time shopping.

Once this little boy learned how to stand up it's all he wanted to do.  I busted him standing in the stroller.

Keegan got his first haircut at the end of summer.  This is the best picture I could get.

Keegs will only eat table food now.  He really appreciates when we have ribs.  Normally he does not sit in his hair chair very long before crying to get out.  But on rib night he will make an exception.  

The neighborhood down the road from us has a pond where geese gather.  Usually the geese are on the grass when we get to the pond and then get in the water when we approach.  The kids are fascinated with watching the geese swim.

Keegan found the tupperware cupboard (I helped him).  I'd rather pick up tupperware than cook supper with one hand.  We both win!

Sydney has discovered makeup.  On the weekends she will beg me to be able to do her makeup, so I get out some old eyeshadows and let her go to town.  She is such a girly girl at heart and i love it!!!

Surprise surprise.  When we go to target the cart is like a clown car.  We arrange who is sitting where or hanging where or standing where or walking where about every 30 seconds.  Still...we are at Target and we are happy shoppers.

I had to post this picture.  This is Keegan at his 9 month checkup.  Could he and Brian be any more identical in this picture?

My little pumpkin at the pumpkin patch.

Keegan's 2nd favorite meal...spaghetti!  Spaghetti night is automatically bath night.

We decided this year to just paint our pumpkins rather than carve them.  I think we made the right choice....painting pumpkins is actually very fun and I liked the way mine turned out!!!

My little trick or treaters.  Sydney finally understood what Halloween was about and LOVED trick or treating!  She did two full streets this year!  I had to carry her about 2 blocks home because she was so tired.  Then for her 1 treat that she got to eat on Halloween night she picked a Pixie Stick.  Of course!  She was running laps in the house about 10 minutes later.  Good thing for the extra hour of sleep that night!  Oh yeah, can someone tell Keegan that he needs to get on the correct time zone again?  I'm sick of waking up at 5:45 AM to someone singing in his crib and banging on the walls!

Sydney in acting on Halloween night.

Keegan loves to play with all the Halloween candy.  every once in a while he gets to have an M&M, but mostly he thinks these are just toys.

We had Brian's sister take Sydney's 3 year pictures when we were back in Chamberlain for Pheasant hunting.  Such a sweetheart.

Well...the challenge is on!  Even though we are going into holiday season I hope I can keep up with the blog on a more timely matter.  Until next time, Laura