Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The End Is Near!

Baby Reimer # 3 can come at any time now!  The end is drawing near and I don't think we've ever been so ready!  My bag has been packed for a looong time with all the essentials....I feel like I've really nailed down everything I need this time around so I'm excited for my hospital stay.  Hopefully I didn't forget anything.  Even Brian's bag has been packed for about a week now, so it must be almost go time!  I just keep waiting for just one painful contraction, but so far they are all just the BH stomach hard as a rock no pain ones.  Let's do this little one!!!

I'm still completely clueless as to if this baby is a boy or a girl, but the past 2 days I have been feeling a girl vibe.  My ankles have been swelling a little which never happened with Keegan, but with Sydney I was very swollen.  I'm very excited to see what it is!! 

35 weeks and making applesauce. 

36.5 weeks and trying to move things along.  I ran 2.5 miles this day and felt so good! 

37 weeks after another run, still nothing!

39 weeks and a freezing cold 1.5 mile run.  This is the point where I give up, if running at 39 weeks won't induce labor, I don't think anything will!! 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Catching Up! 29, 30, 32 and 33 weeks

It doesn't seem like time is going very quickly, but after I looked at the blog and realized how long it had been since I last posted, maybe it has!! 

29 weeks at the Twins Game - Babymoon!! 

30 weeks on Sydney's first day of preschool!! 

32 weeks in Brookings visiting Missy and getting my annual tour of SDSU campus.

33 weeks - photo credit to Sydney Reimer. 

We are 83% done with this pregnancy, have 49 days or less left to go! 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August Fun and 28 Weeks

Well, summer has flown by in usual fashion but we are trying to make the most of it!  In August we have been super busy spending time with cousins (including new baby Owen!) we enjoyed the Turner County Fair and a weekend at the river. 

Tough crew to wrangle up for a picture!

Spent a lot of time in the grocery store

Mechanic Sydney

artists at work

intimidating the dino

no one is scared of baby dino!

meeting baby Owen finally!!

Sydney and her new cousin

one of the multiple mower rides requested

mani/pedi time!

even for Keegan!

playing some sweet tunes

even got a round of golf in with the kids

such a cool guy

practicing writing her name for preschool

petting all the animals while it rained at the TCF

we outlasted the rain so now time for rides!

I had to pull him off this horse.  he didn't want to leave!

my big girl!

selfie with grandma Vickie on the ferris wheel!

goofing around

tubing with dad on the river

Keegan went faster than Sydney on the tube

so we made Sydney get back on and have a scarier ride.  she loved it!
28 weeks.  70% done, 83 days left!!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Summer! and 22 weeks

Well, summer is in full swing at our house which means we are living in our swimming suits and going to bed late!  which also means mornings are TERRIBLE at getting everyone up and going. 

Keegan got his face painted at a sand volleyball tournament last weekend and was so proud to be a tiger! 

Sydney tries every trick in the book to get us to let her sleep in the living room.  Her only success is when she wakes up in the middle of the night and asks, then I will do anything for her just to go back to sleep so I can!!  This is how I found her one morning.  How is this more comfortable than sleeping in your own bed in a dark cool room?  I'll never understand. 

With all the swimming that has been happening at our house Sydney's hair has been a disaster!  we have frequent argument about wearing ponytails, brushing it twice daily (and crying!) I finally told her she needed to cut it and she was totally on board!  She told the stylist at the salon that she wanted it just like her moms and she is soo happy with how it turned out.  She volunteers to have her hair brushed now so that is a win in my book!  I told Sydney her hair reminded me of Rapunzel after she got hers cut with the way it flips out at the bottoms.  She is so cute!!

This week puts me at 22 weeks and 56% done with baby #3.  You can feel the baby kicking and sometimes even see it if you are patient enough! 

Thursday, July 6, 2017


We are 131 days away from meeting Baby R #3!  Third time must really be the charm, because we had an excellent ultrasound this time around.  The tech just kept telling us how awesome the baby looked.  It was weird and amazing!  not having a doctor come in after the scan was over to talk to us about something! 

So here is baby.  It was laying face down and no matter how hard we tried to get it to roll over it wouldn't.  So we didn't get very many good pictures.  I think this baby looks like Brian (again!) and Brian thinks it is a boy.  So we'll see!! 

20 weeks pregnant and attempting a zumba class.  only had to leave twice to go to the bathroom!

21 weeks

Monday, June 19, 2017

18 weeks

18 weeks down with Baby # 3! 

Went for a run.  when I got home I was cooling down and realized my feet are slowly disappearing!

4 miles with baby at a slooowww pace :)

bump is getting pretty prominent!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Weekend getaway in Minneapolis

The kids have never been to Minneapolis and so we thought we would take them up for a weekend to visit Amber, AJ and Wilson.  We had a blast!  Friday night we arrived around bedtime so by the time the kids were done running around and expending some energy they went to bed around 10! 

Saturday morning we woke up (kids at 6:30!  why do they wake up so early on vacation?!)  and set out on our bikes to hit up the awesome bike trails that the city has to offer.  Awesome views of the lake and a ton of people were out and about.  The kids were pretty quiet in the bike trailer just people watching.  Of course bike riding requires a pit stop for ice cream at 10:30 am!!

After biking we headed back to the house to try and get the kids to rest/nap.  Well, Keegan put up a good fight and wouldn't sleep, so we headed across the river to St Paul for some mini golfing at Can Can Wonderland.  I've got to say, this is the first real mini golf I've ever done where you actually have to hit the ball in the elephant's mouth etc.  It was pretty cool! 

After mini golf we headed to Lake Harriet for some relaxation and food.  We grabbed some yummy cheese curds and hot dogs and listened to some good music.  After a while Brian and I took the kids out on the lake in a paddle boat.  Sydney wanted to paddle boat so bad and once we got out there she "didn't like it".  Good thing we only rented the boat for half an hour!  The kids were pretty tired so we packed up after that, headed back to the house and did quick baths.  Once again it was after 9 before they went to sleep. At least Sunday morning they both slept in until 8, so that was nice!! 

Sunday we had a play date at the Lake Harriet park with my friend Angie and her son Jack.  there was a super awesome park and sand for the kids to play in.  Keegan wouldn't leave the sand so I only got a pic of Sydney and Jack. 

After our playdate we headed to Linden Hills on our bikes and hit up the kids toy store and book store and a small farmers market.  The book store is super cute, has lots of animals for the kids to see (mice, bunnies, cats, hamsters etc) and a small door for the kids to use! 

We grabbed some lunch quick and then headed off the beach at Lake Harriet in AJ's jeep.  Keegan was super excited to get a ride in the jeep!   The kids needed to cool off, it was so hot!  The water was cold but refreshing and they both dove right in! 

It was getting late in the afternoon, so after the beach we did quick baths at the house and then hit the road.  Keegan barely made it 5 minutes in the car before he was out!  Sydney held strong and stayed awake the whole time.  Overall, it was a great weekend with minimal stress!