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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 10

WEEK 10!!

Brian and I are coming to realize that pregnancy brain is a real thing and it is happening to me!  Just when I thought I was blonde enough it starts to get worse ;)  Just a few examples of my pregnancy oops’s:

1.        Brian asked me to pick him up a 6-pack of Corona when I went grocery shopping.  No problem!  Came home with a 6-pack of mini coronas for him to sip on :)  I didn’t even notice they were 7 oz tinies!!  

2.       For Brian’s birthday I bought him the Transformers 3 Blu-Ray…..3D edition.  Once again, didn’t even notice the labeling on the package.  We do not have a 3D capable TV.  Returned that one!!  That was probably just my blonde self....but I'm blaming pregnancy. 
3.       The other night we stopped at a gas station and I was driving.  I accidentally had a little curb check action when we were leaving the gas station.  Brian turned around to look and told me…..there was no exit there…..I had just totally driven over the curb to get back on 12th street.  Oops!!  

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 8

Week 8 is here and almost gone….yay!!  I am super anxious for week 11 or 12 when hopefully the nausea is gone and maybe I can do something other than sleep!  Brian has been sooo understanding, he is a real trooper.  He doesn’t even complain when I can’t cook supper (because I’m having aversions to meat right now)!  The poor guy pretty much hangs out by himself everything night!  Pretty much when I get home from the gym and try to find something to eat (that won’t make me feel sick) I head straight to bed.  He has been busy working on the basement so that keeps him occupied….we are going to need that space pretty soon!  One exciting piece of news, I went to the dr and found out my official due date is November 19th!  Hopefully we’ll have a little turkey for Thanksgiving!!

Week 6

This marks week six!  Such a long way to go :) 

Up to this point I feel everything is going very well.  I don’t go to the dr for another 2 weeks so I’m anxiously awaiting that appt.    I feel tired pretty much all day long and feel a little iffy in the mornings until I eat something.   I actually feel better every time I eat so I guess I’m just going to have to eat all day long!!   I’m still missing my diet cokes very much.  I’m trying not to drink any caffeine but I usually have to crack a pop open and sip on it throughout the day.  A co-worker of mine the other day noticed that I have been drinking water more frequently and made a comment that I must be getting ready to start trying for kids.  I just told her I was trying to cut back on my caffeine intake.  Can’t wait to stop tiptoeing around people at work anymore.  I think honestly co-workers are the hardest to hide secrets from because you are with them all day long!  6 weeks to go until we can spread the word!   I’m praying for patience :)

A St. Patty's Day Surprise!

Welcome to the Reimer Family Blog!  I am using this blog as an outlet (for now) to talk about secrets that Brian is not letting me tell!!

So….Brian and I were pleasantly surprised on St Patrick’s morn with some positive test results!  I slept in as long as I could and only made it until 6:48 AM.  Anyone who knows me knows that is way early for me, especially for a Saturday.  I guess I was a little excited to see these results.   The test instantly showed positive and I crawled back into bed.  I didn’t want to wake Brian so I just laid there in silence….no way I was falling back asleep after that!!  About 20 seconds later, Brian rolled over and asked if I took the test.  I said “yup, I was right”.   And we were both up for the day.  

Right now I am 5 weeks along so definitely way too early to be telling people.  I like having a secret, but I am pumped for the day we can tell our family and friends the good news.  I’m hoping to make it to 12 weeks before we spill the beans.  The next 7 weeks are going to drag on!! 

So far I feel totally normal and the reality hasn’t settled in yet.  I have a really weird taste in my mouth all the time and heartburn from time to time but other than that no symptoms.  I am already missing my diet cokes!!!  I am trying to become reacquainted with water but it’s hard :(